/* global cssua, fusionSetOriginalTypographyData, fusionCalculateResponsiveTypeValues, Modernizr, avadaFusionSliderVars, playVideoAndPauseOthers, resizeVideo */ var headerHeight = jQuery( '.fusion-header-wrapper' ).height(); var fusionReanimateSlider = function( contentContainer ) { var slideContent = contentContainer.find( '.slide-content' ), scrollDonwIndicators = contentContainer.siblings( '.tfs-scroll-down-indicator' ); jQuery( slideContent ).each( function() { jQuery( this ).stop( true, true ); jQuery( this ).css( 'margin-top', '50px' ); jQuery( this ).animate( { opacity: '1', 'margin-top': '0' }, 1000 ); } ); jQuery( scrollDonwIndicators ).each( function() { var scrollDonwIndicator = jQuery( this ); scrollDonwIndicator.stop( true, true ); scrollDonwIndicator.css( 'opacity', '0' ); if ( slideContent.offset().top + slideContent.height() + 25 < scrollDonwIndicator.offset().top ) { scrollDonwIndicator.css( 'padding-bottom', '50px' ); setTimeout( function() { scrollDonwIndicator.animate( { opacity: '1', 'padding-bottom': '0' }, 500, 'easeOutCubic' ); }, 500 ); } } ); }; ( function( jQuery ) { 'use strict'; jQuery( '.tfs-slider' ).each( function() { var thisTFSlider = this; if ( 1 <= jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '.post-content' ).length ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'parallax', 0 ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'full_screen', 0 ); } if ( cssua.ua.mobile ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'parallax', 0 ); } } ); }( jQuery ) ); jQuery( document ).ready( function() { var targetEl = jQuery( '.tfs-slider' ); if ( jQuery().flexslider && targetEl.length ) { targetEl.each( function() { var sliderId, responsiveTypeElements; if ( 'function' === typeof fusionCalculateResponsiveTypeValues ) { sliderId = jQuery( this ).parent().data( 'id' ); if ( 'fusion-slider-' + sliderId !== jQuery( this ).parent().attr( 'id' ) ) { sliderId = '.fusion-slider-' + sliderId; } else { sliderId = '#fusion-slider-' + sliderId; } responsiveTypeElements = sliderId + ' h1, ' + sliderId + ' h2, ' + sliderId + ' h3, ' + sliderId + ' h4, ' + sliderId + ' h5, ' + sliderId + ' h6'; fusionSetOriginalTypographyData( responsiveTypeElements ); fusionCalculateResponsiveTypeValues( jQuery( this ).data( 'typo_sensitivity' ), jQuery( this ).data( 'typo_factor' ), 800, responsiveTypeElements ); jQuery( sliderId ).data( 'has-rendered', true ); } } ); } } ); jQuery( document ).on( 'ready fusion-element-render-fusion_fusionslider fusion-partial-header_position fusion-partial-wooslider fusion-partial-fusion_tax_wooslider fusion-partial-slider_type fusion-column-resized', function( $, cid ) { var $targetEl; if ( 'ready' === $.type && jQuery( 'body' ).hasClass( 'fusion-builder-live-preview' ) && 'undefined' !== typeof cid ) { return; } $targetEl = 'undefined' !== typeof cid ? jQuery( 'div[data-cid="' + cid + '"]' ).find( '.tfs-slider' ) : jQuery( '.tfs-slider' ); if ( jQuery().flexslider && $targetEl.length ) { $targetEl.each( function() { var thisTFSlider = this, firstSlide = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( 'li' ).get( 0 ), sliderId, sliderHeight, sliderWidth, aspectRatio, compareWidth, boxedModeWidth, slideContent, resizeWidth, resizeHeight, wpadminbarHeight, responsiveTypeElements; // Get the header height once again for Safari. headerHeight = jQuery( '.fusion-header-wrapper' ).height(); // If we're in the frontend builder reset some CSS. if ( jQuery( 'body' ).hasClass( 'fusion-builder-live' ) && ! jQuery( 'body' ).hasClass( 'fusion-builder-live-preview-only' ) ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'width', '' ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'margin-left', '' ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'margin-right', '' ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'left', '' ); } if ( 'function' === typeof fusionCalculateResponsiveTypeValues ) { sliderId = jQuery( this ).parent().data( 'id' ); if ( 'fusion-slider-' + sliderId !== jQuery( this ).parent().attr( 'id' ) ) { sliderId = '.fusion-slider-' + sliderId; } else { sliderId = '#fusion-slider-' + sliderId; } responsiveTypeElements = sliderId + ' h1, ' + sliderId + ' h2, ' + sliderId + ' h3, ' + sliderId + ' h4, ' + sliderId + ' h5, ' + sliderId + ' h6'; if ( 'undefined' === typeof jQuery( sliderId ).data( 'has-rendered' ) ) { fusionSetOriginalTypographyData( responsiveTypeElements ); jQuery( sliderId ).data( 'has-rendered', true ); } fusionCalculateResponsiveTypeValues( jQuery( this ).data( 'typo_sensitivity' ), jQuery( this ).data( 'typo_factor' ), 800, responsiveTypeElements ); } if ( 1 <= jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '.post-content' ).length ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'parallax', 0 ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'full_screen', 0 ); } if ( cssua.ua.mobile || Modernizr.mq( 'only screen and (max-width: ' + avadaFusionSliderVars.side_header_break_point + 'px)' ) ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'parallax', 0 ); } wpadminbarHeight = 0; if ( 1 <= jQuery( '#wpadminbar' ).length ) { wpadminbarHeight = jQuery( '#wpadminbar' ).height(); } if ( 1 <= jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '#sliders-container' ).length && 1 === jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'parallax' ) ) { jQuery( '.fusion-header' ).addClass( 'fusion-header-backface' ); } if ( 1 == jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'full_screen' ) ) { // jshint ignore:line sliderHeight = jQuery( window ).height() - wpadminbarHeight; if ( 'above' === avadaFusionSliderVars.slider_position.toLowerCase() ) { sliderHeight = jQuery( window ).height() - ( headerHeight + wpadminbarHeight ); } if ( 0 === jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'parallax' ) ) { if ( 1 == avadaFusionSliderVars.header_transparency && 'below' === avadaFusionSliderVars.slider_position.toLowerCase() ) { // jshint ignore:line sliderHeight = jQuery( window ).height() - wpadminbarHeight; } else { sliderHeight = jQuery( window ).height() - ( headerHeight + wpadminbarHeight ); } } if ( Modernizr.mq( 'only screen and (max-width: ' + avadaFusionSliderVars.side_header_break_point + 'px)' ) ) { if ( 1 == avadaFusionSliderVars.mobile_header_transparency && 'below' === avadaFusionSliderVars.slider_position.toLowerCase() ) { // jshint ignore:line sliderHeight = jQuery( window ).height() - wpadminbarHeight; } else { sliderHeight = jQuery( window ).height() - ( headerHeight + wpadminbarHeight ); } } // Framed look, remove the offsets from height. if ( jQuery( '.fusion-top-frame' ).length ) { sliderHeight = sliderHeight - jQuery( '.fusion-top-frame' ).height() - jQuery( '.fusion-bottom-frame' ).height(); } jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( 'video' ).each( function() { var arcSliderWidth, arcSliderLeft, $position; aspectRatio = jQuery( this ).width() / jQuery( this ).height(); arcSliderWidth = aspectRatio * sliderHeight; arcSliderLeft = '-' + ( ( arcSliderWidth - jQuery( thisTFSlider ).width() ) / 2 ) + 'px'; compareWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parent().parent().parent().width(); if ( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '.post-content' ).length ) { compareWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).width(); } if ( compareWidth > arcSliderWidth ) { arcSliderWidth = '100%'; arcSliderLeft = 0; $position = 'static'; } else { $position = 'absolute'; } jQuery( this ).width( arcSliderWidth ); jQuery( this ).css( { left: arcSliderLeft, position: $position } ); } ); } else { sliderWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_width' ); if ( -1 !== sliderWidth.indexOf( '%' ) ) { sliderWidth = jQuery( firstSlide ).find( '.background-image' ).data( 'imgwidth' ); if ( ! sliderWidth && ! cssua.ua.mobile ) { sliderWidth = jQuery( firstSlide ).find( 'video' ).width(); } if ( ! sliderWidth ) { sliderWidth = 940; } jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'first_slide_width', sliderWidth ); if ( sliderWidth < jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_width' ) ) { sliderWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_width' ); } } else { sliderWidth = parseInt( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_width' ), 10 ); } sliderHeight = parseInt( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_height' ), 10 ); aspectRatio = sliderHeight / sliderWidth; if ( 0.5 > aspectRatio ) { aspectRatio = 0.5; } compareWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parent().parent().parent().width(); if ( 1 <= jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '.post-content' ).length ) { compareWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).width(); } sliderHeight = aspectRatio * compareWidth; if ( sliderHeight > parseInt( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_height' ), 10 ) ) { sliderHeight = parseInt( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_height' ), 10 ); } if ( 200 > sliderHeight ) { sliderHeight = 200; } } if ( 1 == jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'full_screen' ) ) { // jshint ignore:line jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'max-width', '100%' ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.slides, .background' ).css( 'width', '100%' ); } if ( ( 'left' === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_position || 'right' === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_position ) && ! jQuery( thisTFSlider ).hasClass( 'fixed-width-slider' ) && 1 == jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'parallax' ) ) { // jshint ignore:line jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'max-width', jQuery( '#wrapper' ).width() ); if ( jQuery( 'body' ).hasClass( 'side-header-left' ) ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'left', jQuery( '#side-header' ).width() ); } else if ( jQuery( 'body' ).hasClass( 'side-header-right' ) ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'right', jQuery( '#side-header' ).width() ); } } jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '.fusion-slider-container' ).css( 'height', sliderHeight ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'height', sliderHeight ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.background, .mobile_video_image' ).css( 'height', sliderHeight ); if ( 1 <= jQuery( '.layout-boxed-mode' ).length ) { boxedModeWidth = jQuery( '.layout-boxed-mode #wrapper' ).width(); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'width', boxedModeWidth ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'margin-left', 'auto' ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'margin-right', 'auto' ); if ( 1 == jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'parallax' ) && ! Modernizr.mq( 'only screen and (max-width: ' + avadaFusionSliderVars.side_header_break_point + 'px)' ) ) { // jshint ignore:line jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'left', '50%' ); if ( 'left' === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_position || 'right' === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_position ) { boxedModeWidth = jQuery( '.layout-boxed-mode #wrapper' ).width() - jQuery( '.layout-boxed-mode #side-header' ).width(); if ( 'right' === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_position ) { boxedModeWidth = jQuery( '.layout-boxed-mode #wrapper' ).width() + jQuery( '.layout-boxed-mode #side-header' ).width(); } jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'margin-left', '-' + Math.floor( boxedModeWidth / 2 ) + 'px' ); } else { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'margin-left', '-' + ( boxedModeWidth / 2 ) + 'px' ); } } jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.slides, .background' ).css( 'width', '100%' ); } if ( cssua.ua.mobile ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.fusion-button' ).each( function() { jQuery( this ).removeClass( 'button-xlarge button-large button-medium' ); jQuery( this ).addClass( 'button-small' ); } ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( 'li' ).each( function() { jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-autoplay', 'no' ); jQuery( this ).data( 'autoplay', 'no' ); } ); } jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( 'a.button' ).each( function() { jQuery( this ).data( 'old', jQuery( this ).attr( 'class' ) ); } ); if ( Modernizr.mq( 'only screen and (max-width: ' + avadaFusionSliderVars.content_break_point + 'px)' ) ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.fusion-button' ).each( function() { jQuery( this ).data( 'old', jQuery( this ).attr( 'class' ) ); jQuery( this ).removeClass( 'button-xlarge button-large button-medium' ); jQuery( this ).addClass( 'button-small' ); } ); } else { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( 'a.button' ).each( function() { jQuery( this ).attr( 'class', jQuery( this ).data( 'old' ) ); } ); } if ( 1 == jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'parallax' ) ) { // jshint ignore:line if ( Modernizr.mq( 'only screen and (min-width: ' + avadaFusionSliderVars.side_header_break_point + 'px)' ) && ( 0 === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_transparency || '0' === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_transparency || false === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_transparency ) && 'below' === avadaFusionSliderVars.slider_position.toLowerCase() ) { slideContent = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.slide-content-container' ); jQuery( slideContent ).each( function() { jQuery( this ).css( 'padding-top', headerHeight + 'px' ); } ); } jQuery( window ).scroll( function() { if ( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '#sliders-container' ).length && jQuery( window ).scrollTop() >= jQuery( '#sliders-container' ).position().top + jQuery( '#sliders-container' ).height() ) { if ( ! cssua.ua.mobile && ! Modernizr.mq( 'only screen and (max-width: ' + avadaFusionSliderVars.side_header_break_point + 'px)' ) ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'position', 'static' ); } jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); } else { if ( ! cssua.ua.mobile && ! Modernizr.mq( 'only screen and (max-width: ' + avadaFusionSliderVars.side_header_break_point + 'px)' ) ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'position', 'fixed' ); } jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); } } ); } resizeWidth = jQuery( window ).width(); resizeHeight = jQuery( window ).height(); jQuery( window ).on( 'resize fusion-column-resized', function( event, scopedCID ) { // Start tfslider_resize var maxHeight, percentageWidth, wrappingContainer, fixedWidthCenter, $navigationArrowsTranslate, resizeCondition = resizeWidth !== jQuery( window ).width() || ( resizeWidth !== jQuery( window ).width() && resizeHeight !== jQuery( window ).height() ); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof scopedCID && 'fusion-column-resized' === event.type && jQuery( 'div[data-cid="' + scopedCID + '"]' ).find( '.tfs-slider' ).length ) { thisTFSlider = jQuery( 'div[data-cid="' + scopedCID + '"]' ).find( '.tfs-slider' ); resizeCondition = true; } if ( resizeCondition ) { headerHeight = jQuery( '.fusion-header-wrapper' ).height(); wpadminbarHeight = 0; if ( 'undefined' !== typeof jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.flex-active-slide' ).find( '.tfs-scroll-down-indicator' ).offset() && jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.flex-active-slide' ).find( '.slide-content' ).offset().top + jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.flex-active-slide' ).find( '.slide-content' ).height() + 25 < jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.flex-active-slide' ).find( '.tfs-scroll-down-indicator' ).offset().top ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.flex-active-slide' ).find( '.tfs-scroll-down-indicator' ).css( 'opacity', '1' ); } else { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.flex-active-slide' ).find( '.tfs-scroll-down-indicator' ).css( 'opacity', '0' ); } if ( jQuery( '#wpadminbar' ).length ) { wpadminbarHeight = jQuery( '#wpadminbar' ).height(); } maxHeight = Math.max.apply( null, jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.slide-content' ).map( function() { return jQuery( this ).outerHeight(); } ).get() ); maxHeight = maxHeight + 40; if ( 1 == jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'full_screen' ) ) { // jshint ignore:line sliderHeight = jQuery( window ).height() - wpadminbarHeight; if ( Modernizr.mq( 'only screen and (max-width: ' + avadaFusionSliderVars.side_header_break_point + 'px)' ) && jQuery( '#side-header' ).length ) { headerHeight = jQuery( '#side-header' ).outerHeight(); } if ( 'above' === avadaFusionSliderVars.slider_position.toLowerCase() ) { sliderHeight = jQuery( window ).height() - ( headerHeight + wpadminbarHeight ); } if ( 0 === jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'parallax' ) ) { if ( 1 == avadaFusionSliderVars.header_transparency && 'below' === avadaFusionSliderVars.slider_position.toLowerCase() ) { // jshint ignore:line sliderHeight = jQuery( window ).height() - wpadminbarHeight; } else { sliderHeight = jQuery( window ).height() - ( headerHeight + wpadminbarHeight ); } } if ( Modernizr.mq( 'only screen and (max-width: ' + avadaFusionSliderVars.side_header_break_point + 'px)' ) ) { if ( 1 == avadaFusionSliderVars.mobile_header_transparency && 'below' === avadaFusionSliderVars.slider_position.toLowerCase() ) { // jshint ignore:line sliderHeight = jQuery( window ).height() - wpadminbarHeight; } else { sliderHeight = jQuery( window ).height() - ( headerHeight + wpadminbarHeight ); } } // Framed look, remove the offsets from height. if ( jQuery( '.fusion-top-frame' ).length ) { sliderHeight = sliderHeight - jQuery( '.fusion-top-frame' ).height() - jQuery( '.fusion-bottom-frame' ).height(); } if ( sliderHeight < maxHeight ) { sliderHeight = maxHeight; } // Timeout to prevent self hosted video position breaking on re-size with sideheader. setTimeout( function() { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( 'video' ).each( function() { var arcSliderWidth, arcSliderLeft, $position; aspectRatio = jQuery( this ).width() / jQuery( this ).height(); arcSliderWidth = aspectRatio * sliderHeight; arcSliderLeft = '-' + ( ( arcSliderWidth - jQuery( thisTFSlider ).width() ) / 2 ) + 'px'; compareWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parent().parent().parent().width(); if ( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '.post-content' ).length ) { compareWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).width(); } if ( compareWidth > arcSliderWidth ) { arcSliderWidth = '100%'; arcSliderLeft = 0; $position = 'static'; } else { $position = 'absolute'; } jQuery( this ).width( arcSliderWidth ); jQuery( this ).css( { left: arcSliderLeft, position: $position } ); } ); }, 100 ); } else { sliderWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_width' ); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof sliderWidth && -1 !== sliderWidth.indexOf( '%' ) ) { sliderWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'first_slide_width' ); if ( sliderWidth < jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_width' ) ) { sliderWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_width' ); } percentageWidth = true; } else { sliderWidth = parseInt( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_width' ), 10 ); } sliderHeight = parseInt( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_height' ), 10 ); aspectRatio = sliderHeight / sliderWidth; if ( 0.5 > aspectRatio ) { aspectRatio = 0.5; } compareWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parent().parent().parent().width(); if ( 1 <= jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '.post-content' ).length ) { compareWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).width(); if ( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '.tab-content' ).length ) { compareWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '.tab-content' ).width() - 60; } } sliderHeight = aspectRatio * compareWidth; if ( sliderHeight > parseInt( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_height' ), 10 ) ) { sliderHeight = parseInt( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_height' ), 10 ); } if ( 200 > sliderHeight ) { sliderHeight = 200; } if ( sliderHeight < maxHeight && maxHeight <= parseInt( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'slider_height' ), 10 ) ) { sliderHeight = maxHeight; } jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( 'video' ).each( function() { var arcSliderWidth, arcSliderLeft; aspectRatio = jQuery( this ).width() / jQuery( this ).height(); arcSliderWidth = aspectRatio * sliderHeight; if ( arcSliderWidth < sliderWidth && ! jQuery( thisTFSlider ).hasClass( 'full-width-slider' ) ) { arcSliderWidth = sliderWidth; } arcSliderLeft = '-' + ( ( arcSliderWidth - jQuery( thisTFSlider ).width() ) / 2 ) + 'px'; compareWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parent().parent().parent().width(); if ( 1 <= jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '.post-content' ).length ) { compareWidth = jQuery( thisTFSlider ).width(); } if ( compareWidth > arcSliderWidth && true === percentageWidth && 1 != jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'full_screen' ) ) { // jshint ignore:line arcSliderWidth = '100%'; arcSliderLeft = 0; } jQuery( this ).width( arcSliderWidth ); jQuery( this ).css( 'left', arcSliderLeft ); } ); } if ( Modernizr.mq( 'only screen and (max-width: ' + avadaFusionSliderVars.content_break_point + 'px)' ) ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.fusion-button' ).each( function() { if ( 'undefined' === typeof jQuery( this ).data( 'old' ) ) { jQuery( this ).data( 'old', jQuery( this ).attr( 'class' ) ); } jQuery( this ).removeClass( 'button-xlarge button-large button-medium' ); jQuery( this ).addClass( 'button-small' ); } ); } else { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.fusion-button' ).each( function() { jQuery( this ).attr( 'class', jQuery( this ).data( 'old' ) ); } ); } if ( 1 == jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'full_screen' ) && 'fade' === jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'animation' ) ) { // jshint ignore: line jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'max-width', '100%' ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.slides, .background' ).css( 'width', '100%' ); } if ( ( 'left' === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_position || 'right' === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_position ) && ! jQuery( thisTFSlider ).hasClass( 'fixed-width-slider' ) && 1 == jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'parallax' ) ) { // jshint ignore: line jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'max-width', jQuery( '#wrapper' ).width() ); if ( jQuery( 'body' ).hasClass( 'side-header-left' ) ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'left', jQuery( '#side-header' ).width() ); } else if ( jQuery( 'body' ).hasClass( 'side-header-right' ) ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'right', jQuery( '#side-header' ).width() ); } } jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '.fusion-slider-container' ).css( 'height', sliderHeight ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '.fusion-slider-container' ).css( 'max-height', sliderHeight ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'height', sliderHeight ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.background, .mobile_video_image' ).css( 'height', sliderHeight ); if ( 1 <= jQuery( '.layout-boxed-mode' ).length && 0 === jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '.post-content' ).length ) { boxedModeWidth = jQuery( '.layout-boxed-mode #wrapper' ).width(); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'width', boxedModeWidth ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'margin-left', 'auto' ); jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'margin-right', 'auto' ); if ( 1 == jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'parallax' ) && ! Modernizr.mq( 'only screen and (max-width: ' + avadaFusionSliderVars.side_header_break_point + 'px)' ) ) { // jshint ignore:line jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'left', '50%' ); if ( 'left' === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_position || 'right' === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_position ) { boxedModeWidth = jQuery( '.layout-boxed-mode #wrapper' ).width() - jQuery( '.layout-boxed-mode #side-header' ).width(); if ( 'right' === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_position ) { boxedModeWidth = jQuery( '.layout-boxed-mode #wrapper' ).width() + jQuery( '.layout-boxed-mode #side-header' ).width(); } jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'margin-left', '-' + Math.floor( boxedModeWidth / 2 ) + 'px' ); } else { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'margin-left', '-' + ( boxedModeWidth / 2 ) + 'px' ); } } if ( 'slide' !== jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'animation' ) ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.slides' ).css( 'width', '100%' ); } jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.background' ).css( 'width', '100%' ); } if ( 1 === jQuery( thisTFSlider ).data( 'parallax' ) && ! Modernizr.mq( 'only screen and (max-width: ' + avadaFusionSliderVars.side_header_break_point + 'px)' ) ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).css( 'position', 'fixed' ); if ( 'absolute' !== jQuery( '.fusion-header-wrapper' ).css( 'position' ) ) { jQuery( '.fusion-header-wrapper' ).css( 'position', 'relative' ); $navigationArrowsTranslate = ( headerHeight / 2 ) + 'px'; if ( 'below' === avadaFusionSliderVars.slider_position.toLowerCase() ) { jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '.fusion-slider-container' ).css( 'margin-top', '-' + headerHeight + 'px' ); } } else { $navigationArrowsTranslate = '0'; } jQuery( thisTFSlider ).find( '.flex-direction-nav li a' ).css( 'margin-top', $navigationArrowsTranslate ); fusionFixZindex(); jQuery( '.fusion-header-wrapper' ).css( 'height', headerHeight ); if ( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).hasClass( 'fixed-width-slider' ) ) { if ( 'left' === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_position || 'right' === avadaFusionSliderVars.header_position ) { if ( jQuery( thisTFSlider ).parents( '#sliders-container' ).length ) { wrappingContainer = jQuery( '#sliders-container' ); 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